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/ Amiga Collections: Auge 4000 / Auge 4000 #37 (1989-09-08)(Amiga User Gruppe Einzugsgebiet 4000).zip / Auge 4000 #37 (1989-09-08)(Amiga User Gruppe Einzugsgebiet 4000).adf / fonts / Ottawa / 024 / Ottawa-024.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1988-04-07  |  34KB
Labels: bar | dialog box | fence | grandstand | person | shelf | sky | stairs
OCR: bcdefghiik lmnopgrstuvwxyz A BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR RSTUVWXYZ 10 23456789 C {]{}\ 12 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 18 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 24 The quick brown fox jum ps over the lazy dog 36 The quick bro r fox ju m ps over the 1azy dog. 48 The quick bro W r fox ju m ps over the laz 60 The quick hro W r1 ju rr1 over The quick bro ju rr ghijk nopgrstuvwxyz MNOPQR STUVWXYZ OERT uick